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Online Teaching And Learning Pdf Download ((NEW))

This report profiles the trends and key technologies and practices shaping the future of teaching and learning, and envisions a number of scenarios and implications for that future. It is based on the perspectives and expertise of a global panel of leaders from across the higher education landscape.

online teaching and learning pdf download

Two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, much still feels the same, though in some important ways our thinking and behaviors may be shifting in anticipation of longer-term changes in the ways we structure our lives and our shared places and spaces. In higher education, these shifts may reflect an evolution from short-term "emergency" or "reactive" modes of offering education during extraordinary circumstances to making strategic and sustainable investments in a future that will be very much unlike our past. As this year's teaching and learning Horizon panelists gathered to reflect on current trends and the future of higher education, many of their discussions and nominations suggest that change may be here to stay and that there will be no return to "normal" for many institutions. This report summarizes the results of those discussions and nominations and serves as one vantage point on where our future may be headed.

This section of the report details six key technologies and practices that will have a significant impact on higher education teaching and learning. Included in this section are college and university exemplar projects demonstrating the impact of the technologies and practices.

The perils and promises of online learning have been prominent themes in recent discussions of ongoing change in higher education. On the one hand, new forms of communication offer new ways to lead students through an engaging learning process (Clark-Ibanez & Scott 2008). A recent meta-analysis has shown that online learning is at least as effective as face-to-face learning, in part because it can enhance time-on-task and intensive participation (Means et al 2009). On the other, the social distance that many intuitively associate with online communications raises concerns about institutional pressures that could lead to watered-down instruction and an even more marginalized position of faculty in higher education. Feeling both these enthusiasms and concerns, I was eager to explore online teaching for myself.

Statistics may seem like a poor candidate for online learning, given that it is a high-stakes course and, for many, a high-stress one as well. At Brockport, our social statistics course serves our own majors as well those from criminal justice, social work, and nursing. For the latter two, students must pass statistics before applying to the major. The pressure of a required course and the anxiety that many bring to statistics is compounded in those older students who balance college with work and family obligations. Those students are over-represented in both the sociology major and these allied professional majors and perhaps stand to benefit the most from regular face-to-face contact.

Obviously, this approach entails a tremendous amount of prepared material. For the online course, I drew on Powerpoint presentations, exercises, labs, and collections of exam questions and problems I had developed in teaching prior face-to-face sections. Nevertheless, translating paper resources into interactive online assessments and recording audio narrations for Powerpoint took a lot of time.

For this class, I preempted some concerns by making the exams explicitly open-book. I initially saw this decision as a sub-optimal compromise, but it turned out to be a positive move. For one, it nudged me to develop questions and problems that directly engage conceptual understanding and quantitative reasoning, which, in turn, prompted me to revise instructional materials to better prepare students for these challenges. Because the exams were timed, students still had to prepare in advance to succeed. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that exam performance for my online students was fully in line with prior face-to-face classes. The open-book strategy certainly does not resolve all integrity issues, but it invokes one oft-repeated claim that teaching online prompts educators to productively rethink their basic pedagogy.

I also look forward to developing an online course that centers on creating a robust learning community. An elective like the Sociology of Food, for example, would look entirely different from statistics, relying heavily on student-to-student interaction and prompting the kind of intensive participation that we all wish to see in our face-to-face classrooms. There are certainly opportunities to harness the power of learning communities for my statistics students as well. Overall, this experience reinforced the principle that teaching is a craft constantly refined; exploring these online possibilities has re-energized the practice of my craft in face-to-face courses as well.

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